Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Booth!

Hello all! Hope everyone has had a great weekend. It was fairly nice here, so Joe started cleaning out the garage. It is looking pretty good! :) Lots more to do though still.

I just thought I would share with everyone pictures of my dad and mines booth at our local antique mall here. We just moved in to this bigger booth, my mom and I had fun painting it. We found a great deal on mistinted paint from Lowes and Walmart...5 bucks a gallon! Cool huh? Well here are just a few pictures to show off some of our things. :) Enjoy!


Kindra-At Home With K said...

The booth looks great! Wish I could go shopping. :) That's nice you get to paint your own booth. I wish you much success! How's the job going? Don't work too hard.